Even though we don’t always know how, we try to do our best to avoid risks of cancer. One thing we can do, is look carefully at what we eat, because there are some food which can help us. Discover the 50 best foods which are known to help lower cancer risks.
1. Lentils
Legumes are great for health and our body. From all legumes, lentils have interesting benefits, they not only lower risks of stomach cancers, but they are also really good for our aerodigestive tract, that is the respiratory tract and the upper digestive tract combined.
2. Navy Beans
Harvard researchers have proved that navy beans are extremely powerful against breast cancer. Even if women have more risks than men to develop this kind of cancer, it can be useful for both genders. Fibers in navy beans help reduce risks of breast cancer, because they reduce high levels of oestrogen in blood.

3. Green Peas
Vegetables are definitely worth a try. Green peas contain some of the best assets against cancer, it has properties which have been proved to reduce cancer. It should definitely be on your shopping list every week.

4. Mushrooms
Mushrooms don’t only make good toppings on pizzas, they are also very healthy, and can avoid risks of breast cancer. A study proved that women whom were eating only 10 grams of mushrooms were two-third less likely to develop cancer breast than other women.